Recovery Process
Case submission
The case starts when the client submit the claim along with supporting documents i.e; invoices,statement of account, shipment’s bill of lading, delivery proof and exchanged emails.

We evaluate the case and assign it to the fit case handler according to the case complexity and the required skills and character. Our first report to be emailed to the client within 15 working days and during the case progress we keep the client posted.
Initiate Contact
The collector gather as much information as he/she can to locate the debtor and understand more about the debt. The collector contact the debtor and try to collect the outstanding debt as fast as possible. Communication is usually made by postal mail, telephone, email or visit.
We formally demand repayment and give a time frame of 10 days to respond with a payment date or settlement offer. The debtor is advised that no response may result to take further action.

Skip trace debtor
If we are unable to make contact, then we follow up our initial contact attempt by visit, postal mail, telephone or email. If we still haven’t received any response or repayment within the given time we send a final notice letter, which advises the debtor that ignoring the matter could result in a court judgment.
In case we are unable to locate the debtor, we use a number of tools at our disposal to obtain up-to-date contact information of the debtor. These actions may incur extra charges.
Negotiation & Recovery
Upon negotiations with the debtor and if we reached a settlement agreement, we either wire the funds and deduct our fees, or instruct the debtor to directly transfer the funds to our client, and we invoice the client.